
Sharing Drafts

Ask others to review your draft, manage permissions for editors and reviewers, and even share your draft publicly.

Click the Share button to open the share modal and add workspace members or others outside your workspace. Permissions can be set to Viewer, Editor, or Reviewer. Members that are authors show up as Owners. Any author can share a draft with others. Those with access to the draft are able to see the draft permissions using the share modal.

By default, drafts are only accesible to their original author, as shown below in a fresh draft’s share modal.


At the bottom of the share modal, there’s an option to publicly publish a draft. Publishing a draft makes it accessible to anyone with the link, even if they’re not a member of your workspace.

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Code hosting, review, docs, and CI. One place for product engineers and their teams to focus on what they do best—building products.

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