
Workspace Presence

See who’s online across your workspace. When viewing a branch or draft, see who’s viewed or actively viewing a branch or draft

On repositories and your top level pages (My Branches, Reviews, and Drafts) you can see who’s online or offline on your team. This is a great way to know who’s around to help or chat, plus you can quickly add new folks to your team here.

The team status sidebar can be shown and hidden as needed by clicking the people icon in the top right.

You’ll also see who’s viewed a branch or draft, and if they’re currently viewing it. Folks actively viewing the page will show up normally, while those who have previously viewed it will show up in a faded state.

Pierre is the product engineering tool

Code hosting, review, docs, and CI. One place for product engineers and their teams to focus on what they do best—building products.

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